READ FULL STORY - Was the Barbarossa Plan Doomed from the Start? Uncovering the Truth Behind Germany's Eastern Front Failure!

March 1st, 1942.

General Halder estimates that 1,500,000 German soldiers have been lost in the war with the Soviet Union.

The German plan was to defeat the Soviet forces within 250 miles of their border, fearing a long war if the Soviets retreated deep into Russia. Hitler thought the Russians would welcome them as liberators, freeing them from Stalin's rule. But instead, the Germans acted as occupiers, showing no mercy to the Russian people. They saw Slavic people as inferior and sought to subjugate them. German troops caused immense suffering, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, activists, and civilians, including Jews, many of whom were left to starve.

Hitler aimed to capture Moscow, Leningrad, and the oil fields, but none of these objectives were achieved. The Russian army remained intact, capable of strategic retreats when necessary. After the Battle of Moscow, German forces had to withdraw slowly, facing harsh conditions. Russian counterattacks threatened to encircle them, reminiscent of Napoleon's fate in 1812. However, the Russian forces overextended themselves, allowing the Germans to regroup. When the snow melted in March 1942, the fighting temporarily subsided.

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